Success Stories

SpaceTimeWorks and our collaborators have contributed to numerous projects related to space-time and spatial statistics. On this page you can link to a collection of case studies that illustrate the spectrum of research and scientific fields we have previously performed in. Feel free to contact us and discuss about your project and needs in the domain of space-time analysis. We look forward to helping you with your own tasks, too.

Scientific areas of SpaceTimeWorks expertise include:


Additional Studies

Apart from the featured case studies in the previous, our collaborators have an extensive record of interdisciplinary studies across these domains. Some examples of high-impact studies can be found in the following links.

  • Interdisciplinary Public Health Reasoning and Epidemic Modelling: The Case of Black Death. This is an escorting website for the homonymous 2005 book by G. Christakos et al. The website contains visualization of the study analysis in the form of animation and figures. You can visit this site here.
  • Spatiotemporal analysis of particulate matter following the WTC disaster. A geostatistical approach has been used to produce initial results about impacts on air quality due to increased concentration of particulate matter after the World Trade Center buildings collapse in 2001. The related site contains the project report and related visualizations; you can access the site here.

Space-Time Imaging
