Your Opinion

Favorite Space-Time References

For the human species, the themes of space, time and their entanglement have probably been as old as the human race itself. These are fundamental concepts, deeply embedded in the human perception and understanding of our living environment. For no coincidence, it is very difficult to attempt and define them in terms of other elementary concepts. If you have tried this, you may have probably seen that one typically ends up using self-referential terms that cannot be further reduced.

Apart from the philosophical implications and scientific wanderings across the different cultures and over the centuries, space and time inspire us human beings with as much sympathy and comfort as they do with primitive fear and awe. We are, in some sense after all, all co-travellers in the same spatiotemporal continuum, where we try to understand each other, and ease the uncertainty of the unknown and loneliness of our ride.

It is no wonder, then, that space and time appear time and again (pun intended) in the human culture, across borders and civilizations, in scripts, pictures, music, words, movies, and just about every form of artistic expression. We believe that space-time visualizations, like the ones you see on this website, involve a hint of artistic expression with a good reason: The primary purpose of visualizations is to communicate analytical results, and this goal can be augmented by good aesthetics.

Do you, too, find appealing the artistic side of space and time? You can leave a comment at the end of this article. If you like so, write us your favorite artist name and title of book, song, movie, painting, or any other artistic creation whose subject revolves around the very concepts of space and time!

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Space-Time References

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